Virtual appointment consultation
We always prefer to see our patients in person for their consultations or follow-ups but Dr.
Kristin Tarbet understands that in some circumstances that is not always possible or practical.
Here is an outline of our virtual appointment process.
Initial Consultation
Virtual consultations take place over facetime with Dr. Kristin Tarbet or any of our providers.
Once you call to schedule an appointment, our team will assist you in setting up the
appointment. You will be given a list of instructions once you have scheduled. In your
instructions you will be asked to include pictures so that the patient care coordinator can
prepare a chart for you before your consultation.
In your facetime virtual consultation, you can ask questions and voice your concerns. It should
take about 30 minutes, the same as it does in the office.
We recommend when you have your consultation with the physician or any of our providers that
you find a private, well-lit room so that you feel comfortable as they go over your health history.
Once your consultation is complete your provider will create a treatment plan and the patient
care coordinator will then follow-up with you by phone and email you any further details.
Follow-up virtual consultation
If you are an existing patient of the practice and circumstances are not allowing you to come in
for your follow-up appointment, we also will have our providers available for facetime
consultations. The staff will arrange an appointment time for you with instructions before
Meeting face to face
While most of your consultation can be performed on-line, we still believe it is important to meet