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Plastic Surgery

How to maintain plastic surgery results

If you are thinking about undergoing plastic surgery, then you know that it’s an investment in your appearance. It takes time, money and effort, so you want to protect your investment for years to come. The good news is there are many simple things you can do to...

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Are you a good candidate for plastic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery can shave years off your appearance or improve your contours, but it’s important to make sure you are an ideal candidate for going under the knife. Here are seven things to know about plastic surgery and what would or wouldn’t make you a good...

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The Importance of Picking a Specialized Surgeon

A surgeon is a surgeon, is a surgeon, is that right? Unfortunately, and fortunately, that’s not the case. In the medical field, there are a variety of surgeons that specialize in an array of things from the top of the body (neurosurgery) all the way to the bottom...

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